Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, August 15, 2008


So my husband and I started a contest on Aug. 13 to go until Sept. 13. We are in competition to see who can lose the most inches around our midsection. We'll see. I really hope I will win. I am going to take this very seriously. This is great motivation.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We'll have another month to try

Unfortunately I started my P today. August 12 at 12:30 p.m. I was actually a little sad this time. I thought we were successful. I have to look at it from the big picture of God's plan. If it's God's will then it will be.

Dear God,
Please comfort me and guide me in your ways. Help me to not get sad or discouraged, and instead look to you for guidance and for your love. You are almighty!
I love you.


Well, it looks like there will be another month of losing weight. We'll try again in a few weeks.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Test 13 and beyond

So I took a test on day 13 - Tuesday and my OV test was positive. Good thing because we left to go out of town on Wednesday morning, and I didn't take my OV Tests, it would have been too much of a pain. So we had a great vacation and did what you do when you are on vacation and trying to make a baby (and when your OV tests are positive). My temperature stayed the same until Sunday morning. It went up to 98.50. I can only pray and look to God's guidance during the next two weeks. Today is the 3rd, so hopefully I will know something on the 13th. Ten days to go.