This morning we went to Prenatal Peek to see our precious Sweet Pea. I was told to eat a light sugar filled breakfast and bring some orange juice with me. I ate a bowl of cereal, donuts and orange juice. It wasn't a light breakfast but it sure was sugar filled. (I am experiencing a major sugar crash now, yuk)
We invited my mom and sister to join us. (both in hand with a present if it was a boy or a girl) We had so much fun. The technician started the ultrasound and sweet pea was moving all over the place. It's so hard for me to believe that the baby is moving around so much inside of me, and I can't feel it yet. As soon as the baby showed up on the screen I heard my mom crying. She was so happy!

Kiki before she started crying.
It didn't take long before the technician announced that we are having....
A Girl!

We are sooooo excited to say the least! I kept telling my husband, "you're going to have a daughter." I just know he will fall in love with her and she will have him wrapped around her tiny finger.
After the ultrasound Mom and my sister handed us our gifts. They are so sweet. C had to go back to work so the ladies went shopping. Oh my the things I bought. We're in trouble people....I already know it. I am going to really try to not buy any more clothes until we see what we really need. This shopping trip was just a fun celebratory spree. He He!

We ate lunch at California Dreaming then went to
another boutique store. It was a great day. I can't wait to see C when he gets home from work so we can start discussing names.