My how things have changed this week. We now know we are having a girl - yay! I really can't believe it. My whole life I've always pictured myself with a daughter (probably because I grew up in a family with mostly girls) and now it's happening. Since seeing our daughter move around on Monday I am falling more in love with her every minute. I am constantly wondering what she is doing...is she sleeping, sucking her thumb, moving around, practicing her toe touches, listening to what I'm saying, etc. I feel so blessed. God has chosen us to be parents, and I am experiencing a miracle every day. It's so cool how God's plan works out...he has perfect timing, and takes care of everything - thank goodness!
Yesterday we started talking about names, and it's not getting any easier. There are so many names out there, and I want to find just the right one. I pray that God will reveal just the right one for our sweet girl.
This week sweet pea is growing growing growing. Her skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord - her lifeline to the placenta - is growing stronger and thicker. Sweet pea weights 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop. [from http://www.babycenter.com/]
Life as a pregnant lady couldn't be better. I now have a closet full of cute, new maternity clothes, thanks to the generosity of my family. I am now able to wear some items as my belly is growing each day. I have not experienced any balance issues yet, but then again, I've never had very good balance (so now I may be normal to most women). I am not wearing high heeled shoes right now because I do feel like I am going to topple over and they bother my sciatic nerve. I am dropping a lot of things...like glasses. In the last 2 months I have dropped and broken 5 drinking glasses. Can we say klutz.
I am walking as often as I can around the neighborhood, and eating more fruits and vegetables. I am thankful that a dessert craving can be met by eating some fruit. 

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